Saturday, March 19, 2011

Well... It's Saturday Night and the Moon is Out....

but we are here in the ICU with Dad.  It's not looking too good.  After two rounds of albumin, Dad's blood pressure did not come up enough, so now he is on a medicine to increase his blood pressure.  So, now it is up at 93/52.  Much better than earlier but with the help of lots of meds.

Now for the other news.  Dad's kidneys are not doing well.  The oncologist, pulmonologist, and cardiologist have told us it is an uphill battle.  They are calling in a kidney specialist.  They are hoping if he can be sustained now, he can fight back as the chemo begins killing the cancer.  The mortality rate for how he is now is very high.  Essentially, he has four systems; heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys that are not doing well.  His heart is working almost twice as hard as it should have to.  They have increased his fluids and done all kinds of other things and we are hoping and praying.

While I realize God doesn't make mistakes and this may be his will, but it is not my will.  I am not ready to lose my dad or have my kids and granddaughter lose their granddad.  However, I don't have control...GRRR.

There is power in prayer!  Please keep praying.  Miracles happen every day!  Let's pray that it is God's will and the miracle will be that Dad fully recovers!  Let's pray he sees another birthday.

Much love and prayers,


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