Monday, March 21, 2011

Schu's Battle with Cancer is Over

So sorry I did not post on Sunday and am posting so late this evening.   These last two days and the night have been a rollercoaster of emotions.  As most of you have already heard, my dad lost his battle with cancer early this morning.  He was in no pain and went peacefully.  Mom, Kevin, my Aunt Barbie, and I were all at his side.  While our hearts are broken, we know Dad is no longer suffering.

The viewing, funeral and burial will all be Thursday.  All arrangements are being handled by Blue Bonnet Hills Funeral Home in Colleyville, TX.  If you so choose, you may make a donation to the American Cancer Society.  Cancer won this battle, but eventually we HAVE to win the war and eradicate this awful disease.

Thank you for all the wonderful support.  The prayers and love were/are greatly appreciated.

Much love,


Saturday, March 19, 2011

ICU in the Middle of the Night

So, after going home for a little bit, the kidney doctor called Mom.  Dad's kidneys are shutting down.  He needs dialysis, but the doctor doesn't believe Dad's body can take it.  So, Mom made a tough call... no dialysis.

With that decision, we asked if we could come back to the ICU and stay with Dad.  Mom promised to be by his side and I don't want to leave him alone.  Two things he worried about before being admitted; sleeping because he was scared he wouldn't wake up, and going to the hospital because he was scared he wouldn't come home.  The other thing that has bothered him is the fact that his father passed away at age 63,  AND Dad is 63.  Well...

So we are here.  It's so hard to watch this tough guy who used to make me say he was "The Meanest Man in the World" struggle to breathe.  Cancer SUCKS!!!

Much love!


Well... It's Saturday Night and the Moon is Out....

but we are here in the ICU with Dad.  It's not looking too good.  After two rounds of albumin, Dad's blood pressure did not come up enough, so now he is on a medicine to increase his blood pressure.  So, now it is up at 93/52.  Much better than earlier but with the help of lots of meds.

Now for the other news.  Dad's kidneys are not doing well.  The oncologist, pulmonologist, and cardiologist have told us it is an uphill battle.  They are calling in a kidney specialist.  They are hoping if he can be sustained now, he can fight back as the chemo begins killing the cancer.  The mortality rate for how he is now is very high.  Essentially, he has four systems; heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys that are not doing well.  His heart is working almost twice as hard as it should have to.  They have increased his fluids and done all kinds of other things and we are hoping and praying.

While I realize God doesn't make mistakes and this may be his will, but it is not my will.  I am not ready to lose my dad or have my kids and granddaughter lose their granddad.  However, I don't have control...GRRR.

There is power in prayer!  Please keep praying.  Miracles happen every day!  Let's pray that it is God's will and the miracle will be that Dad fully recovers!  Let's pray he sees another birthday.

Much love and prayers,


Spring Break is Ending, But the Battle is Still Happening

So, it's Saturday afternoon.  My Spring Break is drawing to a close, but Dad's battle has only just begun.  When we arrived this morning, Dad was in pretty much the same state as yesterday.  The good news is that his oxygen saturation levels are staying at 95 and above... and the reduced the amount of pure oxygen down to 60%.  The breathing tube is still in and he is still sedated.  As horrible as it sounds, Mom and I believe it is best.  It is allowing him to rest and letting his body fight.

Beginning today, they have had to give him some insulin.  His sugar level is a little high.  Mom told me this happened to her after her heart surgery a few years ago.  The cardiologist stopped by earlier.  Dad's heart is good, but the rate is high....staying around 120 bpm.  The cardiologist said his body is just fighting so hard.

We have had some scares... his respiratory rate should stay close to 20.  A couple different times it dropped as low as 8.  It's been back up consistently 15-20 for a few hours.  His blood pressure is a little low... 87/49 currently.  Obviously no need for blood pressure meds...

So... that's what's happening now.  We're here and we're staying until we can win this battle!

Much love,


Friday, March 18, 2011

Recap of the Day

As I mentioned earlier, they intubated Dad this morning.  The breathing tube is doing the work for him because he was having to work too hard with the bi-pap machine.  Also, the machine had a mask that he just was not happy to have.  So, the intubation is actually better.

After he was intubated, the pulmonologist did a bronchial scope.  He put some saline in and then sucked it out to get some cells from Dad's lung.  His clotting levels are off due to all the meds, so they couldn't risk an actual biopsy.  We should get results from that in a few days.

With the intubation tube and sedation, Dad actually looks like he is getting much needed rest.  I know he's worried about Mom and I think he is fighting sleep because he is too scared that he won't wake up.  So, Mom and I talk to him and let him know we are there watching over him and that he needs to rest and let his body fight the nasty cancer monsters.  This afternoon it seemed to relax him some.  This evening, he kept trying to raise his hands (which are strapped down so he doesn't pull the tubes out), moving his head and trying to talk.  We had to keep telling him to just relax.  He only needs to worry about himself.  I promise him every day that I am taking care of Mom.  And... if you know my parents, that is VERY important to him.

Mom is doing as well as can be expected.  I kinda lost it a little today, but... I am OK.  And, it is not about me!  I am here as a support to Mom and Dad.  After all, without them, I wouldn't be me or where I am today!!!

The nurses he has had since the beginning of his stay have been wonderful!  It is observed and greatly appreciated.  Keep the prayers coming!

Lots of Love,


Day Two in ICU...

Well... Mom and I got here right around 8:40 am.  When I had called to check last night, they said Dad was doing fine.  However, this morning they did tell us that he didn't sleep well.  His O2 sats were good yesterday on the bi-pap with 80% oxygen.  They reduced him to 60%.  Well... apparently that was not a good thing.  This morning his O2 was not good.  So, as I type, they are intubating him.

While I am scared to death, I am hoping by them doing this he will relax and let the meds do their work.  Dad is not relaxing or sleeping, and that is not good.  He has got to let himself trust the docs and their work.

Mom is hanging in there.  Keep the prayers coming.  There is power in prayer!

Much love!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Move to ICU

Well... since Dad's breathing was not where they wanted it to be earlier today, they decided to move him to ICU and put him on a bi-pap(?) breather.  Whatever it is, it is helping.  The nurse explained it to us this way...  It is forcing Dad to take deeper breaths than he has been.  With that, it is not allowing him to exhale all the way.  The thought behind it is kinda like a balloon.  The first time you blow it up, it's a little tough.  Then, if you let most of the air out, but not all, then blow it up again, it's easier to inflate.  OK...

Dad's first round of chemo was through the IV (he actually has a pic line with 40 cm of tube in him).  The next round was some pills.  The gave him those and then some morphine for the pain and to help him relax.

Since he is in ICU, Mom and I cannot stay all night.  This is a good and a bad thing.  It's hard being away, but at the same time, it will hopefully do Mom and Dad some good.  They are two peas in a pod.  I guess that happens when you have been married over 41 years.  Anyway, Mom needs some rest and she wasn't getting it there in the room with Dad.  Dad needs some rest and I don't think he was letting himself because he is worried about Mom.  So, we left this evening to go home, eat and rest.  I told Dad on the way out that I was taking Mom home so she could rest.  Hopefully this puts his mind at ease and he can rest and the let the doctors, nurses, and meds do their thing.

Keep the prayers coming!  Thanks for all the support and letting me ramble!!

Much love,


Oh!  And Mom (by the way... her name is Judi) may comment and correct anything I have wrong.  :)  So be sure to check back!

Chemo begins today...The Journey began some time ago

Hi all!  I am new to this blogging thing, but thought it might help to get some thoughts down about the journey we are going through with Dad.  So, here it goes!

My dad, John Thomas Schumaker (Tom to those close to him), is as stubborn as they come with a heart of gold!  He infuriates me at times, but I love him anyway.  I am sure he would say the same about me.

So... this journey.  It's one of those things where you never think it is going to happen to you... well it has.  All of my life, Dad has smoked.  He told me he started when he was 17 and in the Navy.  Mom says it was before then.  Who knows!  The point is he has smoked for over 40 years and now... has lung cancer.

So, back in February of this year, I get a call from Mom.  Dad is home and his stomach hurts on the right side.  Originally it was thought to be gallbladder.  However, the sono showed his gallbladder was just fine. It did show a spot on his liver... and it went from there.

Next was a chest X-ray and some liver function tests.  Then came the CT of the liver, abdomen and pelvis. Mom and Dad met with the family doctor and noted the enlarged liver.  On the 28th of February, they were referred to an oncologist.

The original appointment was set for Friday, March 4th.  However, on the 3rd, Dad was in so much pain, Mom called and got him in that day.  At that time, Dad's color was normal and they began scheduling some outpatient appointments....MRI, liver biopsy, and a PET scan.  So, the ball was rolling and they were to meet back with the oncologist on the 16th.

For various reasons, like meds needing to be stopped, appointments were changed and moved around.  The MRI happened on Friday, March 11th.  The liver biopsy was scheduled for Monday, the 14th, the PET Scan for Tuesday and meet back with the oncologist on Weds.

On Monday, they were unable to do the biopsy due to Dad's INR level being too high.  So, after several hours in day surgery, they released him to go home.  I decided I needed to be with Mom and Dad and headed to their house.

I had been over to visit the last couple weekends and had seen how Dad was getting progressively worse.  Several times I had talked to Mom about taking him to the emergency room.  However, he declined each time.  Have I mentioned how stubborn he is?

When I got over there Monday night, Dad was really weak and very yellow.

Tuesday morning, bright and early, we all get up and get ready for the day.  I drive because my van sits higher than Mom's car and it is easier for Dad to get in and out.  We get to the hospital and they give him four units of plasma.  Wow!  However, it brings his blood levels to what they need to be.  He goes in for the biopsy right at 12:30 and is back in the room before 1:45.  Not too bad.

Then the worrying happens.  Dad's oxygen sats are too low.  They are hovering in the 70's.  They are supposed to be in the range of 92-100.  Apparently, they had been low before the biopsy as well.  Through the four hours we were there after the biopsy, there was some concern, but since he didn't seem to in distress, not too much.

They transferred Dad to the recovery area and the nurse there, did get VERY worried.  A chest X-ray was ordered and he called several different doc to discuss the low levels.  Eventually, since Dad said he was not in distress, they discharged him.  Obviously exhausted, we all head home.

So, the PET Scan is next.  It had been rescheduled for Weds. morning and the doctor's appt. was set for Weds. afternoon.  When we got to Mom & Dad's, there was a message to call and reschedule the appointment for Friday.  OK...

When we get up Wednesday morning, we are getting ready to go.  One last test... the PET scan.  Or so we thought.  The hospital called to check on Dad.  Very worried.  Then Dad got another call.  This time it was a doctor who looked at the chest X-ray.  He said that Dad was not to go to his PET scan, but straight to the emergency room.

So, emergency room, here we come.  I drop Mom and Dad off at the entrance and park.  By the time I got in, the triage nurse had him back already.  He did a vitals check and when he saw the oxygen sats at 75, he said, "We'll get the rest of this back there" and we were off.  They got Dad to a room and the gang all piled in.  I think there were 4 or 5 nurses and then the ER doc.

Several tubes of blood, tests, and people, they decide Dad needed to be admitted.  So, here we are.  Dad is bed, Mom and I are here and things are rolling.  It's hard to watch this tough ol' guy having such a hard time.  Dad is not one to admit pain or any kind of weakness, so I know he isn't well.

The chemo was started right around noon.  His sats are still not where they want them.  He is hovering around 87 or so.  We have a long road ahead...

Mom is tough, but even she has her times.  Our faith is strong.  He's promised to fight and we are going to be with him every step of the way!

Well, that's it for now.  Please forgive any rambling or incorrect grammar... just my thoughts.
