Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break is Ending, But the Battle is Still Happening

So, it's Saturday afternoon.  My Spring Break is drawing to a close, but Dad's battle has only just begun.  When we arrived this morning, Dad was in pretty much the same state as yesterday.  The good news is that his oxygen saturation levels are staying at 95 and above... and the reduced the amount of pure oxygen down to 60%.  The breathing tube is still in and he is still sedated.  As horrible as it sounds, Mom and I believe it is best.  It is allowing him to rest and letting his body fight.

Beginning today, they have had to give him some insulin.  His sugar level is a little high.  Mom told me this happened to her after her heart surgery a few years ago.  The cardiologist stopped by earlier.  Dad's heart is good, but the rate is high....staying around 120 bpm.  The cardiologist said his body is just fighting so hard.

We have had some scares... his respiratory rate should stay close to 20.  A couple different times it dropped as low as 8.  It's been back up consistently 15-20 for a few hours.  His blood pressure is a little low... 87/49 currently.  Obviously no need for blood pressure meds...

So... that's what's happening now.  We're here and we're staying until we can win this battle!

Much love,


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